Five News Sources - Blog #1

I have somewhat removed myself from social media due to the toll that it has taken on my mental well-being. I used to look at my social media as a way to escape for a small amount of time where I would look at pictures of animals or fashion. Social media at this point in time is the exact opposite of puppies and fashion. Other than going online to look at the weather, I have not been receiving any news besides through word of mouth. Prior to refraining from any use of social media, I would receive my news from Good Morning America, The Washington Post, The View, and The Today Show.


I use AccuWeather on a daily basis and it has become a very important step in my morning routine. I have always found it very necessary to make sure I know what the weather is so that I don't catch myself stuck in a storm that I was not prepared for. In the Summer I primarily use the app for checking the UV index whereas in the Winter I use it to see the likelihood of snow besides the daily forecast. The higher the UV index, the more there is a chance of me getting burnt. The higher the chance of snow, the more likely I am to wear a heavier jacket. 

Good Morning America

When I am at home (not at school), I wake up around 6:30/7 AM every morning. My mom and I have our first cup of coffee around 6:45 and then turn on GMA. Most of my "go-to" news sources are strictly my "go-to" because of my parents and what they watch. I enjoy GMA specifically because it tells me the weather as well as short clips of what is going on around me (the DMV area). It is also convenient because it is on when I wake up and drink my coffee.

The Washington Post

I look at this news source mostly because my mom works for The Washington Post. Some news sources I make sure to read them with slight caution because some articles may be biased. Whenever I read an article from The Washington Post, I tend to search a similar article on Google to see if there is another side to compare it to. 

The View

I like this news source a lot because it has five perspectives and often times 6th person guest perspective. No matter what political view they discuss and listen to each other which is a concept that intrigues me. What I also find interesting is how these are all women who have been put in the spotlight and are not afraid to discuss their views in front of all the people watching.

The Today Show

This is another morning show that I find myself watching because it brings in more lighthearted conversations while also talking about current events. They often include performances from stars and some local choirs. I often use these news sources in the morning and hardly in the afternoon unless something happens that is out of the ordinary.


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