ANTIWAR - Blog #4

receive my news through those who impact my everyday life which consists of friends, family, teachers and the local news. I often never questioned where I would receive my information at a younger age because I was not aware of the frequency of false news. I often assumed those around me were correct and the information I was being fed was nothing short of accurate. I felt as though spreading false information was illegal and was not a common occurrence until I came to the conclusion that mostly all stories have two sides and then the truth, especially in todays' society. 

APA: October 18th, 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from

My initial thoughts of this site is I found it to be slightly disorganized at first, but then realized that it was not disorganized, it visually left no room for advertisements or irrelevant information. When there are too many advertisements, I often lose track of what information I am searching for or become frustrated that it takes too long to find. For this specific website, in order to find what you're looking for you must select on the tab that is most relevant for what you would like to find and it will be there. A lot of the information on this site is relevant but is not just solely about the US, it is about the US as well as those we are interacting with as well.

APA: The American Conservative. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from

This platform is more organized than the ANTIWAR.COM site but also has room for advertisements. Besides having tabs to help navigate the site, there are categories that you can chose from to receive information based on what you would like to read whether it be foreign affairs, politics, culture or even arts & letters. The writers are shown in a column at the bottom of the home page which I found to help establish credibility. 

While the writers on both ANTIWAR.COM and American Conservative are strong, they are not in the mainstream media because they do not promote the amount of terror that the media is currently looking to display. Without terror, these platforms won't make as much money. It seems as though as the chance of the US going to war or having some type of conflict with an overseas entity (or even within the US) increases, so will the public's interest in these platforms because they will be uncertain; therefor, will lead them to look for more information whether it be accurate or not.  Ultimately, the mainstream media will have an increased chance of making more money due to the increase of "panic" from their viewers. 


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