"The Good, the bad and the ugly" of Technology - Blog #10


What is considered good and what is considered bad? The answer to this question is completely dependent on perspective. Something I may see as good can be seen as bad through another person's eyes and vice versa. The topic of technology also depends on perspective. I consider it to be equally as bad as it is good. The advancements that have been made with technology are spectacularly controversial. With technology, safety is improving as fast as it is declining. With more advanced technology, we can call someone to help us as fast as a predator, virtual or in-person, can get to us. We can buy things online just as fast as someone can hack into our every account and steal our money. That is why technology is like a pendulum, constantly wavering back and forth, good and bad. 

My personal relationship with technology is similar to everyone else's. Would I say I completely rely on technology for happiness? No. Slowly but surely, someone's happiness is being defined by their social media and soon their entire life will be, if it isn't already. I am using technology at this very moment to write this blog so in this case I am relying on technology for my academic happiness. I rely on technology for those who I cannot communicate with in person. Without technology, I would not have as many contacts as I do at this day in my life. While that may seem like a good thing, there are just as many people that I may not have needed to know as there are positive impacts in my life but in the long run, all contacts have made me the person I am today. I could say that technology has no control over my life but that would be the farthest thing from the truth. I believe that would be the same for a lot of people, but not everyone. 

Technology is very informative, but it is more difficult to find reliable sources that do not contain any form of bias or 100% truth. That is why I have deleted most of my social media platforms since I was beginning to be consumed by the media that I was seeing on a daily basis. So much negativity, whether it be true or not, would send me down a rabbit hole of sadness and those around me could see it too. Once I removed myself from these platforms, it was similar to waking up from a long sleep, similar to the "Mad World" example. While I found myself happier, I began to notice the impact it was making on those around me. I saw what media did to them, exactly what it did to me. Technology has many upsides but consists equally of too many downsides that we must know when to pull the plug for a little and enjoy what is physically around us instead of what is going on in cyberspace because it is only going to increase its hold on us.


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